West End Building Solutions Ltd

Should I go for Ceramic or Porcelain tiles?

Depending on your project, one may be a bit more advantageous but keep in mind that both tiles belong to the same family

The main difference between a porcelain tile and a ceramic tile is the rate at which they absorb water. Porcelain tiles absorb less than 0.5% of water while ceramic tiles and non porcelain tile will likely absorb more.

Here are some other differences that you should know

  1. One noticeable feature of the porcelain tile is that it is made with white clay while the ceramic is made with mostly red and brown. This explains why porcelain tiles have white back and ceramic red.
  2. Ceramic tiles are easier to use while the porcelain tiles absorbs less water and is more hard wearing
  3. It is advisable to use ceramics tiles in low foot traffic areas especially for walls while the porcelain tiles can go with areas with very high moisture levels such as wet rooms, high foot traffic areas outside.
  4. Porcelain tiles can be somewhat more brittle than the standard ceramic tiles; Ceramic tiles have more heavy weight, coldness and hardness under foot
  5. Ceramics tiles tend to be more cost effective than porcelain tiles, so if you are on a tight budget, ceramics tiles can be the best solution 

    In conclusion, the choice between Porcelain and ceramic tiles ultimately depends on your specific needs, budget and aesthetic differences . Consider the intended use of the tiles, the level of maintenance you are comfortable with and your design vision to make the best decision for your space.